Kelly L. Howarth, M.Ed., PPCC

Hi! Thanks for stopping by!
I'm Kelly, a Personal and Professional Coach, Educational Consultant/Learning Development Specialist, Speaker, and Author of I AM ENOUGH—Recovering from Intimate Betrayal and Eva's Gift and Co-Author of Happily Ever After—A Reality Check.
I recall when I was asked if I could teach a cake and pastry course (My interview response is a whole other story we could have over cake and coffee). I was a personnel recruiter by day, ready to leave the corporate world for something that aligned with my values. I eagerly said "yes" to this popular education evening course. (Fun fact: During childhood, I set up a basement school whose student body was dolls and stuffed animals, so this human engagement was going to be more gratifying)! This experience launched me into facilitating a job search course as I parlayed my recruiting skills into teaching people how to leverage their transferrable skills to tap into the hidden job market.
My career teaching adults progressed to facilitating soft skills and personal development courses. So here I was, reinventing myself. Next, I launched into educational consulting, specifically program design and evaluation—another beautiful marriage after completing my Master of Education in curriculum and instruction while home educating my son to age 17 (my greatest achievement).
In my personal life, I felt sandwiched between conflicting priorities and choices, seeking clarity about which decision to take. Inhabiting an uncomfortable comfort zone, I discovered that each potential path felt scary! Then I realized I could stand in my fear and do nothing, or feel my fear and do something. So I took a risk and redesigned a life aligned with my core values.
Revamping my life followed a progression—from loss to change to transformation, and it involved so much grieving. I mourned many life losses: my couple, family, home, friends, pets, possessions, community, and dreams. Facing such a life-altering event meant changing my perspective and breaking HUGE leaps into small steps, sometimes moving through transition one moment at a time. It was a painful yet bittersweet process, filled with many gains. I learned to listen to my inner voice and trust that life unfolds according to the miracle it is and a greater plan, not necessarily my plan!
And that is how I launched into personal and professional coaching!
When I'm not coaching or consulting, you can find me writing or revising my next publication, dancing to Body Groove vids, whipping up vegan gluten-free dishes and confections, and enjoying diverse cultural events and activities in and around Montreal.
I bring an eclectic mix of life and professional experience and empathy to my various roles, which boil down to helping people leverage what they learn through a transition to empower themselves in work and life.

“At a time when I felt more alone with the process of building up my work and being able to market my paintings, I will forever remember how you gave me this space to walk through my problems and laugh and feel good in the meantime. I am impressed with how well you listen and adapt yourself to the complete reality of the other rather than just applying theory and cliché. I am touched by your will to make me stronger and more confident. I am grateful for your trust in me and for making me feel safe and heard."
“Kelly respects us as intelligent learners."
“Kelly, you inspired our inner child to come out and play!"
“Kelly is an engaging and talented presenter who has so much to offer her audience. Her presentation on the Sandwich Generation is one-of-a kind and allows for a great deal of self-reflection. Kelly has outstanding active listening skills and is able to make each audience member feel like they at one with her. I would highly recommend her as a Corporate Speaker!"
“[Coaching] with Kelly has been a wonderfully positive experience. She is warm and personable and is great at identifying issues and mirroring back comments I make about myself without realizing. Her gentle, non-authoritative approach left me lots of space to propose solutions to my topics, assited by her helpful suggestions and comments. When discouraged by feelings of having gotten bogged down or losing my path, Kelly would gently steer me back on course again, and rather than dwelling on my negative perceptions of the situation, she would emphasize the positive accomplishments and encourage me to do the same!"