ABOUT kelly
Passionate About Inspiring & Empowering People
Why hire me as your Empowerment Coach-Transition Partner?
Over the years, I've often stood between two conflicting priorities and choices, feeling sandwiched and wanting clarity about which decision to take. Residing in an uncomfortable comfort zone, I uncovered my truth: the fear that each potential path felt scary! Then I realized another compelling truth: I could stand in my fear and do nothing, or feel my fear and do something. So I took a risk and redesigned a life aligned with my core values.
Redesigning my life followed a progression—from loss to change to transition to adaptationand it involved so much grieving. I mourned many life losses: my couple, family, home, friends, pets, possessions, community, and dreams. Facing such a life-altering event meant changing my perspective and breaking HUGE leaps into small steps, sometimes moving through my transition one moment at a time. It was a painful yet bittersweet process, filled with many gains. I learned to listen to my inner voice and trust that life unfolds according to the miracle it is and a greater plan, not necessarily my plan!
InfiniteU Coaching & Consulting grew out of my life's work, empowering myself to reach deep inside for my innate knowing and move past whatever anchors and holds me back from growing forward, especially during a life transition. If I could experience such a life-altering change and grow from it, what might that look like for other people? I wanted to leverage my learning to help others experiencing loss—be it career/job, family, partner, fertility, mobility, lifestyle, community, dreams, home, and more.
With many years of experience spanning sales, customer service, social research, recruiting, training, community development, program development, planning, and evaluation, facilitating adult learning, and coaching, I:
Am present to and respect your innate knowing
Journey with you on that archaeological dig of the self
Shine a light on your truth to help you uncover and surmount self-limiting beliefs and obstacles to growth
Help you cultivate insights and results for positive change
Accompany you along your journey from where you are to where you want to BE—empowered!
I provide leadership and life coaching for individuals, teams, and groups sandwiched between various priorities while facing professional and life transitions. Following an appreciative, holistic, experiential learning approach focusing on empowering people to achieve their goals, I facilitate group learning with educators, professionals, communities, and individuals seeking more personal and professional effectiveness.
Certifications & Qualifications
Personal and Professional Coaching Certificate (ICF Approved Program)
Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
Diploma in Adult Education (Teacher Certification)
Certificate in Human Resources Management
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (minor in Education)
Training in Parent Effectiveness Skills (PET) and Rogerian Client-Centered Listening
Hundreds of clients have benefitted from coaching and training with me!
Let me walk alongside you, help you break through barriers, and build on your strengths, talents, and resources to cultivate results that lead to your professional/personal growth.
Together, we can co-create the Infinite YOU!